belly laugh

Chokipeta Membership Information

If you are purchasing two or more digital data,Membership plans are recommended.It is!

  • Material units cost 550 yen each (tax included),Unlimited with membershipYou can download as much as you want at
  • monthlyTwo new theater materials.The product is delivered to your home in a pre-printed condition!
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table of contents

okame and hottie

There are two kinds of laughter: Okame no Fukusyo, or "laughing face," and Hyottoko no Fukusyo, or "laughing face of a small fish.

Chokipeta Factory

Digital data of the Fukasuri material

Print on paper or p-paper,
Please cut and use!

P-paper printing, he said,
I recommend it because you can put it on the panel and play with children☆.

Chokipeta Factorydried small sardines, etc. used to make fish stock

Chokipeta members can download it for free!

Fukurawara material delivered to your home and mailed to you

Product StatusServices
printed matterPrinted on the specified paperWe will mail it to your home by
finished productPrinting, cutting, and other processing completedWe will mail it to your home by

12 signs of the Chinese zodiac

Chokipeta Factory

It is the Chinese Zodiac's Fukaurai.
*Currently, only the dragon's belly laugh is available.

*The purchaser is,We will send you a download link free of charge after the material has been added.

table of contents