These scissors areVery lightweight with a large handle.Because of the,It's crazy easy on the hands.It is!
When a childcare worker makes a production,Cutting large quantities of thick paper such as drawing paper and P-paperThe following is a list of the most common reasons for this.
Especially when children are preparing the type of production they are going to finish,Sometimes it's been an hour just cutting the paper for all of us.There were.
After an hour of cutting, my hands were often tired and sore.I'm sorry, but..,This has been eliminated since I started using these scissors!
No sticky residue after cutting glue or tape
I'm among the Saxa's.Glueless typeI love these scissors.Structurally shaped to prevent stickinessThe company is now in the process of becoming a
I was using regular scissors until I came across these scissors,
Cut glued drawing paper and stickers.Sticky and hard to use.
Once it gets sticky.Washing doesn't make it clean.
If you wash it, you have to dry it properly,It rusts from the base.
Flow of ordinary scissors becoming sticky
Cut glued drawing paper and stickers.Sticky and hard to use.
Once it gets sticky.Washing doesn't make it clean.
If you wash it, you have to dry it properly,It rusts from the base.
The process became difficult to use, and I had to replace it frequently....
This Saxa glueless type, however,Structurally shaped to prevent stickinessHe says that it has become a
Childcare workers have many opportunities to wear tape and or glued drawing paper, so I'm hard to get sticky.Glueless type blades are recommended.The company is doing so.
I have not verified exactly how many sheets can be cut, ."Can be cut cleanly even if many sheets are stacked on top of each other." is, ."The cutting process for the same illustration is reduced as it is." That is to say!
Saxa is,It is easy to cut even with about six sheets of drawing paper stacked on top of each other!
The cutting edge is not sharp enough, or there is a difference in comfort between the tip and the base.Many peculiar scissors.But with Saxa, you don't have to worry about that.
is often the caseIt reduces the number of mistakes like "I cut on top of each other, and it got out of alignment...".So, it's a little clumsy andEven nursery workers who tend to make mistakes in cutting can learn to cut well.Maybe...?
dried small sardines, etc. used to make fish stock
I'm really happy because I cut a lot of drawing paper every day...
According to the official website,
adhesive tape
paper box
PP Band
Corrugated cardboard (thin)
Beverage pack
credit card
It is said that even hard things in this area can be cut crisply.
dried small sardines, etc. used to make fish stock
However! The price was not 100 yen, but 330 yen (tax included).
dried small sardines, etc. used to make fish stock
For some reason, the hundred-yen store is cheaper than the official website...
The glueless type costs about 100 yen more than the standard type, but still.Cheaper if you can get rid of the sticky stress.I wonder if this is the case.
Summary] Saxa's glueless type is recommended.
Scissors can be bought at a hundred-yen store, so you may feel that Saxa's glueless type, which costs about 400 yen, is a bit expensive...
This may not matter much to those who don't use scissors a lot on a daily basis,I usually use scissors a lot,Childcare workers and childcare students with production work coming in on a regular basis.Saxa is recommended for
Just as desk-bound workers can make their work easier by arranging the environment around their desks, I would be happy if childcare workers could make their work a little easier by using good items.