What is a panel theater? Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age

A panel theater uses illustrations printed on non-woven fabric,Theater performed with movement in the illustrationsIt is.

It can be made with simple ingredients, though,
Because it is larger than a sketchbook theater, more three-dimensional than a picture story show, and can be performed with movement for each character, it is flexible enough to entertain children according to their imagination and reactions!

In this article,Information that nursery school teachers and childcare students should know about making and using panel theater.This section provides a summary explanation!

What this article will tell you
  • What is a panel theater?
  • Difference from Sketchbook Theater/Pape-Sert
  • The panel theaterDemonstration Method
  • panel theater(at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusionHow to become better at production
  • Panel Theater.When to use it
  • Popular with childrenPanel theater of
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What is a panel theater?

Panel Theater] I acted out "There's No Such Thing as a Ghost! [With commentary ◇Page members of the material used in this video : https://choki-peta.com/papesert/2409/単品購入 : https://choki-peta.com/ec/product/obakenante-naisa/ーーーーーーー...
Video of Chokipeta Factory demonstrating a panel theater of "There's No Such Thing as a Ghost".

A panel theater is a non-woven fabric on which illustrations are printed,Theater to act out the story while moving the characters with the handsIt is.

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factorydried small sardines, etc. used to make fish stock

It is an absolutely indispensable theater in the childcare field!

By adding movement to the illustrations and acting them out in story form, children can learn a lot in a fun way.

Proper Definition of Panel Theatre

The definition of panel theater is.Theater performed using non-woven fabric".

Beginning with Sketchbook Theater,
There are several types of theaters utilized in childcare settings, each with different characteristics.

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factorydried small sardines, etc. used to make fish stock

At Chokipeta Factory,The following conditions are metis considered to be a panel theater and is being produced.

Elements of a panel theater
  • Use of non-woven fabrics for printing and posting
  • The story unfolds in narrative form.

How long have panel theaters been in use? History and Origins

The history of panel theater can be summarized in chronological order as follows

The first panel theater in Japanese history appeared in 1973 in the bookFun storytelling and song play Panel theaterThe book is called.

The author, Ryojun Kouuda, Ph,Conceived by improving the flannel graphThe first time the "K" in the name of the "K" is said to have been made by the "K".


A book on flannelgraphs, the predecessor of panel theater, is published.


A book on flannelgraphs, "Actual Audiovisual Materials in Church Schools," is published.


The first book on panel theater, "Fun Picture Story and Song Play: Panel Theater" is published.


Mr. Ryojun Kouda presented a paper titled "Enjoying Gatherings with a Panel Theater - Big Dreams Growing from Small Dreams.


Handmade Panel Theater" by Ryojun Kowuta and Haruhito Matsuda will be published.


Koza Panel Theater" by Ryojun Kowuda and Megumi Abe is published and the techniques are described.


The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology publishes "Commentary on the Courses of Study for Elementary Schools (Moral Education)," which states that panel theater is effective for presenting materials in the lower grades.

Flannelgraph, the forerunner of panel theater

Prior to 1973, the "flannelgraph" form of theater was the norm.

flannel graphBooks on the subject were published as early as 1961,It existed at least as early as 1961.It is known that

Also in 1966, the publication "Actual Audiovisual Materials in Church Schools" appeared, and in 1975, "How to Make Flannel Materials.

For more information on "flannel graphs," please see this article.

Panel theater created by improving the shortcomings of flannel graphs

The creator of the panel theater, Ryojun Kowuta, also started out playing flannelgraphs.

However, the flannel graph had the following drawbacks

The time and effort required to put flannel fabric on the painting is significant.
The painting is stained with glue.
Cannot use the reverse side.
Cannot easily change direction of travel

The panel theater was newly created to remedy these shortcomings.

Differences between panel theater and other types of theater

There are several types of "theater" performed in childcare settings, each with different characteristics.

A comparison of the differences between them is as follows

panel theatersketchbook theatertoy theater
print medianon-woven (fabric) (e.g. felts and such)plain paperplain paper
Media Coveragenon-woven (fabric) (e.g. felts and such)sketchbooksplittable (wood) chopsticks
Number of subjects10 or more1-10 people1-5 people

Difference between Sketchbook Theater and Panel Theater

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factory
Sketchbook theater for "Penguin Mark's Department Store."

The most significant difference between a sketchbook and a panel theater,"The medium on which it will be printed."It is.

In the panel theaterPrinting on non-woven fabrics and posting on non-woven fabricsThe sketchbook theater is performed in the form of aCreated using plain paper or drawing paper and pasted into a sketchbookI will do so.

Difference between a pepsert and a panel theater

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factory
Kaminaridon has arrived.

The most significant difference between a pepsert and a panel theater,"Perform at hand or publish."It is.

The panel theater isTo be published on a large panel clothThe pape-sert is performed in the form of aStick the paper to a stick, such as disposable chopsticks, and move it around in your hand.Performances.

Difference between flannelgraph and panel theater

The most significant difference between flannelgraphs and panel theater is the cloth used.

Panel theater.Printed and published on non-woven fabric and performedWhereas flannel graphs areUsing "cotton fabrics made of cotton called "flannelPerformances.

Why panel theater has been used for over 50 years and why it is so appealing

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factory

As of 2024, 51 years have already passed since the panel theater first appeared.

The following are some of the reasons why panel theater has been in use for over 50 years, while flannelgraphs have been replaced by panel theater and are no longer used.

Why Panel Theatre has been active for more than 50 years
  • Low production cost
  • Easy to repair and easy to use for long term
  • Easy to perform
  • Can be shown to many children.
  • Told in story form.

Low production cost

What I consider to be the greatest appeal of panel theater is, after all, its "high performance for the cost of production!

As an example, below is a summary of the costs involved in creating the panel theater "Fuusen no Uta".

Theater Nameitem of expenditurecost
balloon songillustration550 yen(Tax included)
P-Paper(*1)70 yen * 10 pieces = 700 yen(Tax included)
printing costs(*2)50 yen * 10 cards = 500 yen(Tax included)
Cost of production time(*3)1,500 yen(Tax included)
total amount3,250 yen(Tax included)
(*1)1,400 yen for 20 sheetsof P paper in the required number of sheets.
(*2) For the purpose of calculation, black and white printing is 10 yen and color printing is 50 yen.It is not possible to print on P-paper at convenience stores.
(*3)Calculated as 1,500 yen per hour of childcare operation.I did.

It seems a little high for an individual to pay for it,'The cost of creating a theater that the nursery will use over the long term.'Calculated as is, it is very inexpensive.

To begin with, only three things are needed to perform a panel theater

  • Illustration Material
  • Non-woven fabric for printing illustrations
  • Panel cloth for placing illustrations

Because they can all be procured inexpensively,The cost per unit can be kept very low.

For example, the aforementionedIf "Fuusen no Uta" is performed 10 times, the cost per performance is 325 yen.It is.

The panel theater can be used for several years if properly stored, so the actual cost per visit can be calculated much lower.

Easy to repair and easy to use for long term

After long-term use of a single panel theater, the non-woven fabric on which the illustrations are printed may break or tear.

However, panel theaters are made of simple materials and are easy to repair.

For example,Folded panel theater can be easily stretched by ironing.

How to Store and Repair Panel Theatersplease see this article.

Learn how to repair a panel theater with an iron and how to store it for a long time. If you use a panel theater that is printed or written on non-woven fabric for a long time, it may inevitably break or tear. Since panel theaters are made of non-woven fabric, a little work...

Easy to perform

Many of the stories performed in panel theater are folktales and play songs.
Since many of them are well-known to everyone, there is little learning cost in performing them.

Also, unlike memorizing a picture book, a slight error in dialogue is not a problem as long as the story is correct.

henceLow hurdles to perform and easy to tackleTheater.

Types of Panel Theaters

In addition to the commonly used panel theater, Ryojun Kowuta has devised two other panel theaters.

A comparison of the differences between them is as follows

panel theaterBlack Panel Theatershadow puppet theater
Cloth ColorWhite non-woven fabricBlack non-woven fabricWhite non-woven fabric
How to use lightFrom the front
Perform in natural light
White non-woven fabric and fluorescent ink.
Make it glow with a black light.
Phantom light machine from behind panel cloth
Projecting and performing in the shadows

General Panel Theater

Color illustrations are printed on white non-woven cloth and performed from the front, facing the school children.

From the preschoolers.Both the performer and the panel theater can be seen.The most common type of panel theater in Japan.

Black Panel Theater

Use black non-woven fabric and black light.

Fluorescent ink or white nonwovens on black nonwovensThis allows the panel theater to be performed in a fantastical worldview.

shadow puppet theater

Although white non-woven fabric is used as in a regular panel theater,A panel cloth is placed between the children and the performer to display the panel theater, and light is shone from behind the panel cloth.I will do so.

Theatre is performed between the panel cloth and the light source from the position of the preschooler.Panel theater using only shadowsto see the

How to make a panel theater

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factory

The panel theaterBasic Method of MakingThis section explains the

Detailed procedures and materials vary depending on the story or scenario to be producedPlease note that

Panel Theater Materials

The following three materials are required to produce all panel theaters.

  • illustration
  • scenario
  • Nonwoven fabrics for printing
  • Panel cloth for publication

You will need to have these first, as they are always used in any panel theater.

Tools necessary for panel theater production

These are the tools needed to produce a panel theater at home.

  • scissors
  • Printing presses using dye inks

Scissors areCut out illustrations from printed non-woven fabricUsed for

Printing on non-woven fabrics cannot be done at convenience stores, etc., so do it at homeIt is necessary to
Please use a printer with dye ink for printing.

How to make a panel theater

Once the materials are ready, proceed to making the panel theater.

The production procedure is as follows


Decide on a theater theme.

5~15 minutes,Themes for children to enjoyCreate a

At Chokipeta Factory,
For childrenContent that is not too difficult and that will keep the viewer interested until the end.We are aware of the following!


Create a theater illustration

Create illustrations for a panel theater.

The panel theater allows you to hold and move the illustrations as much as you can.Create separate "facial expression changes," "food changes," etc.The company is doing so.


Printing illustrations on non-woven fabric

Once the illustration is completed, print the illustration on the prepared non-woven fabric.

Dye ink is used. Use a printing press that supports thickness printing as much as possible.


Cut non-woven fabrics according to the illustration

Finally, cut the margins of the non-woven fabric to fit the illustration.

Some illustrations may be printed on the reverse side, so please be careful not to cut the illustration.

Panel Theater Ideas

When I create a story for a panel theater, I keep the following points in mind

I don't try to make everything original.
Incorporate familiar events and occasions

Don't try to make everything original.

There are many ways to structure a story, though,It is not realistic for me, with no experience, to quickly create an interesting story.

I do not create all the stories on my own,Incorporate existing well-known stories as much as possibleWe are trying to do the same.

There are many fairy tales and folktales, such as "Red Riding Hood" and "The Three Little Pigs," whose copyrights have expired and can now be used freely.

By incorporating as many of these elements as possible and gradually adding original elements, you will reduce the likelihood of getting lost in the maze of scenario creation!

Incorporate familiar events and occasions

For me, it was also a difficult task to create a beginning and end from nothing.

That's not where the origins and endings are also created,Create origins and endings from events and experiences that are familiar to you.We have decided to do so.

  • A story about a failed attempt to make candy for Valentine's Day.
  • A story about a gift from Santa Claus at Christmas.
  • A story about a stuffed animal that has been with me for a long time that I can't get rid of.

It is easier to imagine by using episodes that are familiar to you as a basis, such as

Various effects of panel theater

Panel theater has a variety of effects

Here we explain three effects that Chokipeta Factory considers important.

Important Benefits of Panel Theatre
  • Can get the attention of several preschoolers at once.
  • You can tell an important story in a narrative format.
  • Can foster children's ability to concentrate.

Can get the attention of several preschoolers at once.

What I appreciate most about performing panel theater is that I can "bring multiple preschoolers together for attention.

Under the current Child Welfare Law, Article 33 of the "Standards Concerning Equipment and Operation of Child Welfare Institutions" stipulates "the number of children that one childcare worker can care for at one time.Childcare Staffing Standardsis set.

The ratios of child care workers to preschoolers, as stipulated in the Child Welfare Law, are as follows

agechildnursery school teacher
0 year oldthree peopleone person
1 year oldSix.
2 year old
3 year old20 people
4-year-old30 people
5 years old
*In principle, at least two nursery school teachers are assigned per class.

For example, if two caregivers are assigned to a class of 30 3-year-olds, one caregiver must accompany one child when he or she goes to the bathroom.

Even if a trip to the bathroom lasted five minutes, it is not practical for one child care worker to watch 29 three-year-olds for five minutes.

In moments like this, the "Theater to interest all remaining children for a few minutes.The panel theater can be effective as a

You can tell an important story in a narrative format.

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factory
Clip art of evacuation drill

It is very difficult to communicate important information to children, such as evacuation drills and seasonal events.

It must be explained only in words that children can understand, and it must be devised so that they do not get bored.

When using a panel theater to communicate, not only verbal explanations but also illustrations, dialogues, and sound effects can be used in the performance, making it fun and easy for children to understand.

Can improve children's concentration.

When students enter elementary school, there are many moments when they must "concentrate on what the teacher is saying and act accordingly.

Children do not "automatically become calm and able to concentrate on listening to their teachers when they enter elementary school!

The preschool needs to gradually foster a time for children to focus in preparation for when they go to elementary school.

Panel theater is effective in helping children concentrate because it is easy to adjust the length and slow down the story!

Educational program incorporating panel theater

Although most panel theaters are especially designed for young children, they are actually widely used in educational programs for early childhood and elementary education!

In 1989, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) published "Commentary on the Courses of Study for Elementary Schools (Moral Education)," which states that panel theaters are effective for presenting materials in the lower grades.

Use in Early Childhood Education

Panel theater provides an environment in which children can easily immerse themselves in the task at hand, as they can use pictures and puppets to illustrate a story or theme.

By gradually changing the performance style and story according to the age of the target preschoolers, the ability to sense the environment and background is fostered.

Also, panel theaters can be created around a specific educational goal or theme, such as disaster information or traditional Japanese events, to encourage children to understand the theme while having fun at the same time.

Use in special needs education

The use of panel theater in special needs education is expected to be effective in meeting the diverse needs of students and supporting their individual growth and development.

It is important to devise ways to encourage students to actively participate in educational practices.

Through the panel theater, emotions and intentions can be expressed through illustrations and other means to promote nonverbal communication with others.

Especially for students who have difficulty expressing themselves in words, using pictures and puppets can help them deepen their self-understanding and understanding of others.

Children will also have the opportunity to develop teamwork if they take the lead in creating and acting out the panel theater.

International Exchange Programs

The use of panel theater in international exchange situations is expected to promote cross-cultural understanding and exchange, and to support the growth and learning of participants.

By producing and demonstrating panel theaters on themes such as values, common sense, and traditional events that are not conveyed in language, differences in common sense among participants are visualized.

When should you use a panel theater?

Panel theaters can be used at various times.

Main scenes where panel theater can be used
  • Means of communicating background(before a negative form) even (e.g. "not even a single person")
  • The opportunity for a change of scene(before a negative form) even (e.g. "not even a single person")
  • Means to tell the story(before a negative form) even (e.g. "not even a single person")
  • Children participateMain Event(before a negative form) even (e.g. "not even a single person")
What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factorydried small sardines, etc. used to make fish stock

I especially,As an opportunity to change the scene.It was utilized!

Example of a panel theater that conveys the world view and background of an event or event

The nursery school holds many seasonal events and activities with the children.

Naturally, some children do not yet know about "New Year's" or events like "Christmas".

An event where a panel theater can convey a world view to children.
  • last day of winter in the traditional Japanese calendar (usually February 3 or 4)
  • Valentine
  • Dolls' Festival
  • summer festival
  • Halloween
  • Christmas
  • excursion
  • athletic meet

To let children enjoy seasonal events,Panel theater as a means of conveying the background and world view of eventsThe following is a list of the projects that will be implemented.

Example of using a panel theater as a trigger for a scene change

The kids are playing like crazy, but now we need to start the next activity...

This is the way we often do it in such cases.

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factorydried small sardines, etc. used to make fish stock

It's more fun this way!" then the switch can be made smoothly.

As an opportunity to get children to focus

Explanations before outings and before playing are given to get excited children to quietly listen to the explanations.

I used it as an opportunity to turn my concentration toward them just before an important talk.

You can use a short panel theater to attract the children and then tell the main story,
The important story itself can be told in panel theater and in story form.I think it will be fun!

As an opportunity to switch activities.

This is an opportunity to start the next activity without the children disliking it.

Introducing a panel theater, for example, before starting a morning activity, will naturally induce children to want to turn toward you!

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factorydried small sardines, etc. used to make fish stock

I would love to have the children gather willingly lol.

Scenes that can switch activities in a panel theater.
  • Timing of siesta
  • When to eat
  • When you start your morning activities
  • When describing the following activities

Make good use of it to calm excited children!

Example of using panel theater as a means of telling a story

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factorydried small sardines, etc. used to make fish stock

At the next presentation, we will give the childrenThe Play of Momotaro.You will be asked to do the following

This is a perfect use for timing like the following.

I want to tell the story of Momotaro and the roles of the characters, but a picture book doesn't provide enough information..."

If you feel like you have a story to tell, consider whether the story can be told in a panel theater!

If it's a panel theater,
The script can be easily performed with minor changes, and it is relatively easy to prepare material for a well-known folktale!

Fairy tales, fables, and folktales produced by Chokipeta Factory

Please click here to see the materials of fairy tales, fables, and folktales produced by Chokipeta Factory!

Chokipeta Factory
Fairy Tales and Fables | Chokipeta Factory We provide a lot of materials such as wallpapers, pape-serts, theaters, message cards, coloring pages, and production ideas so that nursery staff can concentrate on childcare.

As the main event

It can also be unveiled as the main event for recitals, birthday parties, and other events in which children participate!

To use a panel theater for different age groups

The "Elementary School Courses of Study (Moral Education)" states that panel theater is effective for presenting materials in the lower grades.

Most childcare professionals work with preschoolers, but if you include them, panel theater should be implemented for ages 0 through early elementary school (8 years old).

Of course, depending on the developmental status of the children, the content they can understand and the amount of time they can concentrate on it will vary.

At Chokipeta Factory, we have the following guidelines for the amount of time that can be spent performing at each age!

ageTheater Length
0~1 year oldAbout 1~2 minutes
1~2 years oldAbout 2~3 minutes
2~3 years oldAbout 3~5 minutes
3~4 years oldAbout 5~7 minutes
4~5 years oldAbout 7~10 minutes

Of course, this length is imaginary,May be longer or shorter depending on developmental status.Yes, there is.

The materials that Chokipeta Factory produces are described on the explanation page.Aim of the performance" is described for each age group.Please refer to the following information when demonstrating!

For younger children, short, rhythmic theater is recommended.

The objective is to "get people interested and to let them know

When performing a panel theater for younger children, such as 0 or 1 year olds,It is not necessary to make them clearly understand the story and its origins and endings.The following is a list of the most common problems with the

What I want younger children to feel from the panel theater
  • For colors, sounds, illustrations, etc.Get people interested.
  • Fruits and situations,Recognize what is depicted in the illustration.

For exampleThat yellow thing is a banana.and ... andThey ate my banana!"and the image is such that it conveys color, bananas, the act of eating bananas, etc.

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factorydried small sardines, etc. used to make fish stock

In their own way, the children enjoy picking up on what they can understand.

Points to consider when performing a panel theater for younger children

I have compiled a list of things I was aware of and careful about when performing panel theater for younger children!

Points to consider when performing a panel theater for younger children
  • Fewer charactersSomething easy to remember
  • Not the story,Easy to remember songs and rhythmsused to express emotional involvement
  • Theater is short,A paragraph before losing concentrationthing to do
What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factorydried small sardines, etc. used to make fish stock

Especially for younger children.Often asked to do the same theater over and over again.It is.

Choose one that is easy to understand and remember!

Panel theater for younger children

Among the panel theaters produced by Chokipeta Factory, this panel theater is recommended for younger children!

soft-boiled egg Marerui Tamago" is a very popular nursery song for children, which naturally attracts their interest in the creatures that are born from eggs. Composed by Hiroshi Machida with lyrics by Hiroshi Machida "Mawarui Tamago" is a hand-play...

For older children, we recommend a theater that gives them something to feel from the story.

The objective is to "understand and stimulate sensitivity.

At over three years of age, children also begin to understand the story.

This is the age when children are able to enjoy themselves in their own way, depending on their personalities, preferences and character!

What I want older children to feel from the panel theater
  • Developing the StoryHave fun with the
  • Delicious, poor, etc,Understanding feelings
What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factorydried small sardines, etc. used to make fish stock

Folktales and short stories,Theater where you can enjoy the developmentIt is recommended that you play the

Points to consider when performing a panel theater for older children

Points to consider when performing a panel theater for older children
  • Characters with different rolesappeared two or more pairs ofbe just about to
  • There is a simple beginning and end,Something to understand and enjoy.
  • It is long enough not to be boring,I need to concentrate on watching it.used to express emotional involvement

Adjust the characters and the amount of dialogue,
Try to provide a slightly longer panel theater for them to enjoy, for example, depending on their developmental needs!

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factorydried small sardines, etc. used to make fish stock

They ate my banana! Poor thing!"
Bananas don't talk!"

It's fun when the children respond with "I'm so happy to see you here!

Panel theater for older children

Many of Chokipeta Factory's materials are designed to be enjoyed by older children.

Among them, I have picked out a confident one that I think is highly recommended!

Momotaro What is the story of Momotaro? Momotaro is a story of courage, friendship, and justice Momotaro is a famous hero from Japanese folklore. The story of Momotaro has been passed down throughout Japan and is a tale of "courage, friendship,...

Panel theater popular with children of all ages

Finally, here are some panel theater materials provided by Chokipeta Factory!

Choki Peta Factory's top 10 most popular panel theater!

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factorydried small sardines, etc. used to make fish stock

Rankings areData through February 7, 2024The above table is based on the following table.

No. 10: Full Moon Ghost Party

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factory
Full Moon Ghost Party

Tenth place went to "Full Moon Ghost Party!

This is a panel theater for Halloween, featuring Dracula, witches, werewolves and Frankenstein!

Demonstration timeAbout 10 minutes
summaryOn the night of the full moon, the ghost cook will host a party.
There was one customer there that I didn't recognize...

No. 9: There's no such thing as ghosts.

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factory
There's no such thing as ghosts.

Ninth place went to "There's No Such Thing as a Ghost!

This is a panel theater that can be used any time of the year, in which a headstrong boy tries to make friends with a ghost.

Demonstration timeAbout 10 minutes
seasonall year round
summaryA strong boy who does not believe in ghosts.
But what if you could befriend a ghost?

No. 8: Song of Konkong Kushan

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factory
Konkong Kushan Song

Eighth place went to the Konkong Kushan song!

This is a panel theater recommended for the winter season when various animals sneeze and are prone to catching colds.

Demonstration timeAbout 5 minutes
seasonSeason to catch a cold
summarySong about various animals sneezing and wearing masks.

No. 7: Toy Cha Cha Cha

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factory
Toy Cha Cha Cha

Seventh place went to the toy cha-cha-cha!

It's a very famous song!

Demonstration timeAbout 5 minutes
seasonall year round
summarytoy song

No.6: The Big Turnip

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factory

In sixth place is a large turnip!

A famous folktale, this is another panel theater that can be used all year round.

Demonstration timeAbout 10 minutes
seasonall year round
summaryOne day I went out to the field and found a large turnip growing.
I try my best to harvest somehow....

No. 5: Working Cars

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factory
working car

Fifth place went to Hataraku Kuruma!

Since so many children, both boys and girls, love cars, this is a pepsert that can be used all year round!

Demonstration timeAbout 15 minutes
seasonall year round
summarySongs introducing various cars

No. 4: Well-shaped eggs

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factory
soft-boiled egg

Fourth place went to well-shaped eggs!

This panel theater is popular because it is simple, short, and easy to perform!

Demonstration timeAbout 5 minutes
seasonall year round
summaryA song about various animals coming out of an egg.

No. 3: Let's make a cake!

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factory
Let's make a cake!

Third place went to Let's make a cake!

This panel theater is perfect for birthday parties, where you can enjoy making a cake!

Demonstration timeAbout 15 minutes
seasonTime of Birthday Party
summaryCreate a birthday party with a fun, hands-on experience of the cake-making process.

No. 2: Grocery store

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factory
Yaoya no Omise (the store where one can buy manga, anime, etc.)

In second place was the grocery store!

It's a panel theater where you can enjoy the brain training with "Yes" and "No, I don't! and "No, I don't!" This is a panel theater that can be enjoyed as if it were a brain training program!

Demonstration timeAbout 15 minutes
seasonall year round
summaryQuiz to guess what is sold in various stores

No. 1: Gourmet gorilla

What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factory
gourmand gorilla

The first place went to the foodie gorilla~!

We have an apron theater, but I am creating material for a panel theater/sketchbook theater!

Demonstration timeAbout 10 minutes
seasonall year round
summaryGorilla, a gourmand, eats all kinds of things.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to perform a panel theater?
  1. Non-woven fabric printed with panel theater illustrations
  2. Panel cloth for illustration

These two points are necessary.

What is the target age group for the panel theater?

The Chokipeta Factory mainly targets preschoolers, although it is open to children from 0 years old to early elementary school age.

What is a panel theater?

A panel theater is a theater created using non-woven fabric.

Unlike sketchbook theater or a pepsert, a single caregiver can perform for a large group of preschoolers.

Although creating and printing a panel theater at home requires a printing press and other equipment, it is already an indispensable theater in childcare settings.

Chokipeta Factory hopes to be able to publish all the panel theaters that nursery school teachers need in order to reduce the burden on nursery school teachers.

If you feel burdened with the usual production work, please consider using the Choki Peta Factory membership service!

Chokipeta Membership Information
What is a panel theater? Introducing Children's Favorite Panel Theaters by Age Group | Choki Peta Factory

If you are purchasing two or more digital data,Membership plans are recommended.It is!

  • Material units cost 550 yen each (tax included),Unlimited with membershipYou can download as much as you want at
  • monthlyTwo new theater materials.The product is delivered to your home in a pre-printed condition!
  • AI for generating weekly and monthly plansThe "Kopipetakun" of the "Kopipetakun" is available!

Only for Supapuran and Supapuran

Easy registration

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Backsliding: Buy one at a time.

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